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detail prdoduct - 상품상세설명

CBS/소니 클래시컬 및 RCA에서 녹음한 그의 모든 작품을 처음으로 한데 모은 80장짜리 기념 박스 세트

마이클 틸슨 토마스는 뛰어난 지휘자로서만이 아니라 피아니스트, 작곡가, 교육자, 그리고 카리스마 넘치는 음악 해설가로서 재능을 발휘해 온 음악가이다.
그의 음악계에서의 존재감은 20세기 미국을 대표했던 음악가 레너드 번스타인을 떠올리게 할 만큼 대단하다. 그는 생전에 번스타인과도 깊은 친분을 유지했으며, 뉴욕 필하모닉의 획기적인 영 피플스 콘서트를 번스타인으로부터 계승했다. 또한 번스타인 사후 그의 악보 관리에도 참여했다.

그는 말러, 거슈윈, 아이브스, 코플랜드 등의 작품을 열정적으로 알리고, 클래식 음악뿐만 아니라 브로드웨이 뮤지컬과 재즈 등 다양한 장르에서도 활발히 활동했다.
특히 그는 젊은 음악가들을 멘토링하는 데 탁월한 역량을 발휘하며 1988년 뉴 월드 심포니 오케스트라를 창단하고 퍼시픽 뮤직 페스티벌 음악감독을 맡는 등 큰 족적을 남겼다.
최근에는 진행성 뇌종양 진단을 받았음에도 불구하고 지휘대에 서고 있다.

*초기 경력 및 주요 활동
마이클 틸슨 토마스는 10대 후반부터 현대 음악 작곡가들(부레즈, 코플랜드, 슈톡하우젠, 스트라빈스키 등)의 작품을 초연하며 주목받았다. 1969년 보스턴 심포니 오케스트라 부지휘자로 임명된 후, 버팔로 필하모닉과 로스앤젤레스 필하모닉에서 객원 지휘를 맡았으며, 유럽에서는 아바도의 후임으로 런던 심포니 오케스트라 수석 지휘자를 역임했다.
1995년부터는 샌프란시스코 심포니 오케스트라의 음악감독으로 취임해 오케스트라를 미국에서 가장 혁신적인 오케스트라 중 하나로 성장시켰다.

이번 박스 세트에는 1973년부터 2005년까지 CBS, 소니 클래시컬, RCA Red Seal에서 녹음한 모든 작품이 수록되어 있다. 마이클 틸슨 토마스가 녹음한 오케스트라는 다음과 같이 광범위하다.

런던 심포니, 샌프란시스코 심포니, 뉴 월드 심포니 등 MTT가 직책을 맡은 오케스트라
-버팔로 필하모닉, 로스앤젤레스 필하모닉, 클리블랜드 오케스트라, 시카고 심포니, 뉴욕 필하모닉, 필하모니아 오케스트라 등 세계적 명성의 오케스트라
-바이에른 방송교향악단, 베를린 필하모닉, 로열 콘세르트허바우 오케스트라, 영국 실내관현악단 등

특별한 프로젝트
1. 베토벤 교향곡 전집
1978~1986년, 영국 실내관현악단(교향곡 3번은 세인트 루크스 관현악단)을 기용해 녹음. 정밀한 해석과 유연한 연주로 베토벤의 ‘중후하고 방대한’ 이미지를 새롭게 제시하며, 고음악 연주의 흐름과 나란히 새로운 베토벤 해석을 제시한 획기적인 작업.
2. 말러 및 후기 로맨틱 음악
샌프란시스코 심포니와 말러 초기 작품 애가의 노래, 런던 심포니와 교향곡 3번과 7번, 그리고 R. 슈트라우스 4개의 마지막 노래 등.
3. 20세기 미국 음악
-거슈윈: 피아노 롤과의 랩소디 인 블루 연주(1976), 파리의 미국인 등 다양한 작품.
-아이브스: 교향곡 전집 및 독창적 해석으로 전 세계적 평가를 획득.
-코플랜드: 초기부터 그의 작품을 널리 연주하며 모더니스트와 포퓰리스트의 두 측면을 부각.
4. 스트라빈스키
봄의 제전, 불새, 시편교향곡 등 주요 작품 녹음.
마이클 틸슨 토마스의 코멘트
마이클 틸슨 토마스는 이 박스 세트를 자신이 가장 활발히 활동했던 "중기"의 기록으로 평가하며, 녹음 기술이 아날로그에서 디지털로 전환되고 스튜디오 세션에서 라이브 녹음으로 변화하던 시기를 반영하는 중요한 작업이라고 강조했다.

-완전 한정 생산.
-초판 LP 디자인을 재현한 종이 슬리브에 각 디스크를 수록.
-CD 사이즈 하드커버 북클릿(224페이지, 전 색상), 상세 트랙리스트 및 미공개 사진 포함.
-두꺼운 종이 박스에 모든 디스크와 책자 수납.

이번 박스 세트는 MTT의 80세 생일을 기념하는 최고의 기념물이 될 것이다.

Disc 1:

McLaughlin: Apocalypse | Mahavishnu Orchestra with The London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 2:

Stanley Silverman: Elephant Steps: A Fearful Radio Show

Disc 3:

Orff: Carmina Burana | The Cleveland Orchestra

Disc 4:

Beethoven: Konig Stephan, Op. 117 | London Symphony Orchestra

Beethoven: Elegischer Gesang, Op. 118 | London Symphony Orchestra

Beethoven: Opferlied, Op. 121b | London Symphony Orchestra

Beethoven: Bundeslied, Op. 122 “In allen guten Stunden” | London Symphony Orchestra

Beethoven: Meeresstille und gluckliche Fahrt, Op. 112 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 5:

Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue | Columbia Jazz Band

Gershwin: An American in Paris | New York Philharmonic

Disc 6:

Dvo?ak: The American Flag, Op. 102 | Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra

Dvo?ak: Suite in A Major, Op. 98a, B. 190 “American” | Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra

Disc 7:

Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Oh, Kay!: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic

Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Funny Face: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic

Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Girl Crazy: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic

Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Strike Up the Band: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic

Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Of Thee I Sing: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic

Gershwin, arr. Don Rose: Let ‘Em Eat Cake: Overture | Buffalo Philharmonic

Disc 8:

Ruggles: Toys

Ruggles: Vox Clamans in Deserto (For Chamber Orchestra and Mezzo Soprano) | Speculum Musicae

Ruggles: Men | Buffalo Philharmonic

Ruggles: Angels (Original Trumpet Version) | Brass Ensemble

Ruggles: Men and Mountains | Buffalo Philharmonic

Ruggles: Angels (Trumpet/Trombone Version) | Buffalo Philharmonic

Ruggles: Sun-Treader

Disc 9:

Ruggles: Portals (For String Orchestra) | Buffalo Philharmonic

Ruggles: Evocations (Original Piano Version) | John Kirkpatrick, piano

Ruggles: Evocations | Buffalo Philharmonic

Ruggles: Organum | Buffalo Philharmonic

Ruggles: Exaltation (For Brass, Chorus And Organ)

Disc 10:

Tchaikovsky: Suite No. 3 in G Major, Op. 55 | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 11:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68 “Pastoral” | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 12:

Respighi: Feste Romane | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Respighi: Fountains of Rome | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 13:

Tchaikovsky: Manfred Symphony in B minor, Op. 58 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 14:

Tchaikovsky: Suite No. 2 in C Major for Orchestra, Op. 53 | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Tchaikovsky: Orchestral Suite No. 4, Op. 61, “Mozartiana” | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Disc 15:

Stravinsky: Petroushka (Revised 1947 Version) | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Stravinsky: Scherzo a la russe | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Stravinsky: Petrouchka (1947 version) | Boston Symphony Orchestra, Seiji Ozawa | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano

Disc 16:

Gershwin: Medley: Porgy and Bess | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin, arr. Paich, MTT: But Not for Me / Love Is Here to Stay / Embraceable You / Someone to Watch Over Me | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: Sweet and Low-Down (From “Tip-Toes”) | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: Fascinating Rhythm (From “Lady, Be Good”)

Gershwin: Do It Again (From “The French Doll”) | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: My Man’s Gone Now (From “Porgy and Bess”) | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: The Man I Love (From “Strike Up the Band”) | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: Nice Work If You Can Get It / They Can’t Take That Away from Me / ‘S Wonderful / Swanee / Strike Up the Band | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: Encore: I’ve Got a Crush on You - A Foggy Day

Disc 17:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 in B-Flat Major, Op. 60 | English Chamber Orchestra

Beethoven: Ah! Perfido, Op. 65 | English Chamber Orchestra | Eva Marton, soprano

Disc 18:

Ives: Symphony No. 2 | Concertgebouw Orchestra

Disc 19:

Prokofiev: Suite from Lieutenant Kije, Op. 60 | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Prokofiev: Suite from “The Love for Three Oranges”, Op. 33a | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Prokofiev: Overture in B-flat Major, Op. 42 “American Overture” | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 20:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 | English Chamber Orchestra

Beethoven: Egmont Overture, Op. 84 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 21:

Debussy: La mer, L. 109 | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Debussy: Nocturnes, L. 91 | The Philharmonia Orchestra

Disc 22:

Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64 | The Philharmonia Orchestra | Cho-Liang Lin, violin

Saint-Saens: Violin Concerto No. 3 in B Minor, Op. 61 | The Philharmonia Orchestra | Cho-Liang Lin, violin

Disc 23:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 24:

Ives: Symphony No. 3, “The Camp Meeting” | Concertgebouw Orchestra

Ives: Orchestral Set No. 2 | Concertgebouw Orchestra

Disc 25:

Bernstein: West Side Story (Excerpts)| Los Angeles Philharmonic | Peter Hofmann, tenor

Bernstein: On the Town (Excerpts) | Los Angeles Philharmonic | Peter Hofmann, tenor

Bernstein: Mass (Excerpts) | Los Angeles Philharmonic | Peter Hofmann, tenor

Disc 26:

Gershwin, arr. Grofe: Rhapsody in Blue | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: 3 Preludes for Piano | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano

Gershwin: Short Story | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano

Gershwin: Melody No. 40 “Violin Piece” | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano

Gershwin: Second Rhapsody | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Gershwin: Melody No. 79 “For Lily Pons” | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano

Gershwin: Melody No. 17 “Sleepless Night” | Michael Tilson Thomas, piano

Gershwin: Promenade: Walking the Dog | Los Angeles Philharmonic

Disc 27:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 36 | English Chamber Orchestra

Beethoven: Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 28:

Brahms, orch. Schoenberg: Piano Quartet in G Minor, Op. 25 | Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Bach, orch. Schoenberg: Chorale Prelude “Schmucke dich, o liebe Seele”, BWV 654 | Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Bach, orch. Schoenberg: Chorale Prelude “Komm, Gott Schopfer, Heiliger Geist”, BWV 631 | Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Disc 29:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 30:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 | English Chamber Orchestra

Disc 31:

Copland: Old American Songs | Utah Symphony Orchestra | Don Becker, baritone

Copland: Canticle of Freedom | Utah Symphony Orchestra

Copland: Four Motets | Utah Symphony Orchestra

Disc 32:

Gershwin, arr. See LC: Of Thee I Sing | Studio Cast of Of Thee I Sing (1987)

Disc 33:

George Gershwin: Let ‘Em Eat Cake | Studio Cast of Let ‘Em Eat Cake (1987

Disc 34:

Ives: A Symphony - New England Holidays | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Ives: The Unanswered Question (Revised Version) | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Central Park in the Dark | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Ives: The Unanswered Question (Original Version) | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Disc 35:

Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E-Flat Major, Op. 55 “Eroica” | Orchestra of St. Luke’s

Beethoven: Twelve Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14 | Orchestra of St. Luke’s

Disc 36:

Mahler: Symphony No. 3 in D minor | London Symphony Orchestra | Janet Baker, mezzo-soprano

Disc 37:

Mahler: Ruckert Lieder

Disc 38:

Weill: Die sieben Todsunden | London Symphony Orchestra

Weill: Kleine Dreigroschenmusik | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 39:

Ravel: Ma Mere L’Oye | London Symphony Orchestra

Ravel: Fanfare for ballet L’Eventail de Jeanne | London Symphony Orchestra

Ravel: Rapsodie Espagnole | London Symphony Orchestra

Ravel: Piece En Forme De Habanera | London Symphony Orchestra

Ravel: Bolero | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 40:

Strauss, R.: Ein Heldenleben, Op. 40 | London Symphony Orchestra

Strauss, R.: Till Eulenspiegels Lustige Streiche, Op. 28 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 41:

Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 1 in D-Flat Major, Op. 10 | London Symphony Orchestra | Vladimir Feltsman, piano

Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 16 (1923 Version) | London Symphony Orchestra | Vladimir Feltsman, piano

Prokofiev: 10 Pieces from Romeo and Juliet, Op. 75: No. 10, Romeo and Juliet Before Parting | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 42:

McLaughlin: The Mediterranean Concerto | London Symphony Orchestra | John McLaughlin, guitar

McLaughlin: 5 Duos for Guitar & Piano | John McLaughlin, guitar; Katia Labeque, piano

Disc 43-44:

Puccini: Tosca | Hungarian State Orchestra

Disc 45:

Brahms: Serenade No. 1 in D Major, Op. 11 | London Symphony Orchestra

Brahms: Tragic Overture, Op. 81 | London Symphony Orchestra

Brahms: Academic Festival Overture, Op. 80 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 46:

Ives: Symphony No. 1 in D Minor | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Webster: In the Sweet By and By | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Sweney: Beulah Land | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Zeuner: Ye Christian Heralds | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Marsh: Jesus, Lover of My Soul | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Nearer, My God, to Thee| Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Symphony No. 4 | Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Disc 47:

Strauss, R.: Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 | London Symphony Orchestra

Strauss, R.: Don Juan, Op. 20 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 48:

Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 49-50:

Adam: Giselle | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 51:

Brahms: Serenade No. 2 in A Major, Op. 16 for Small Orchestra | London Symphony Orchestra

Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn, Op. 56a (St. Antoni) | London Symphony Orchestra

Brahms: Three Hungarian Dances | London Symphony Orchestra

Brahms, orch. Dvorak: Five Hungarian Dances | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 52:

Janacek: Glagolitic Mass/Slavonic Mass/Festliche Messe | London Symphony Orchestra

Janacek: Sinfonietta | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 53:

Debussy: Prelude a l’apres-midi d’un faune, L. 86 | London Symphony Orchestra

Debussy: La boite a joujoux, L. 128 | London Symphony Orchestra

Debussy: Jeux, L. 126 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 54:

Prokofiev: Symphony No. 5 in B-Flat Major, Op. 100 | London Symphony Orchestra

Prokofiev: Symphony No. 1 in D Major, Op. 25 “Classical Symphony” | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 55:

Debussy: Le Martyre de Saint Sebastien | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 56:

Bartok: Violin Concerto No. 2 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kyoko Takezawa, violin

Bartok: Rhapsody No. 1 for Violin and Orchestra | London Symphony Orchestra | Kyoko Takezawa, violin

Bartok: Rhapsody No. 2 for Violin and Orchestra | London Symphony Orchestra | Kyoko Takezawa, violin

Disc 57:

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Op. 15 | London Symphony Orchestra | Alicia De Larrocha, piano

Mozart: Concerto for Flute and Harp, K. 299 | London Symphony Orchestra | James Galway, flute

Disc 58:

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18 | London Symphony Orchestra | Barry Douglas, piano

Saint-Saens: The Carnival of the Animals, R. 125 | Steven Isserlis, cello

Saint-Saens: Concerto for Cello and Orchestra No. 1 in A Minor, Op. 33 | London Symphony Orchestra | Steven Isserlis, cello

Copland: Clarinet Concerto | London Symphony Orchestra | Richard Stoltzman, clarinet

Jenkins: Goodbye “In Memory of Benny” | London Symphony Orchestra | Richard Stoltzman, clarinet

Disc 59:

Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Symphony in C Major | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Symphony in 3 Movement s| London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 60:

Strauss, R.: Sechs Lieder Op. 68 | London Symphony Orchestra | Edita Gruberova, soprano

Strauss, R.: Zueignung Op. 10, No. 1 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano

Strauss, R.: Muttertandelei Op. 43, No. 2 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano

Strauss, R.: Meinem Kinde Op. 37, No. 3 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano

Strauss, R.: Die heiligen drei Konige aus Morgenland Op. 56, No. 6 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano

Strauss, R.: Fruhlingsfeier Op. 56, No. 5 | London Symphony Orchestra | Karita Mattila, soprano

Strauss, R.: Vier letzte Lieder | London Symphony Orchestra | Lucia Popp, soprano

Disc 61:

Prokofiev: Romeo et Juliette, Op. 64 (Excerpts) | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 62:

Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasileiras Nos. 4, 5, 7 & 9 | New World Symphony

Disc 63:

Copland: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Copland: Orchestral Variations | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Copland: Short Symphony (Symphony No. 2) | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Copland: Symphonic Ode | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 64:

Stravinsky: The Star-Spangled Banner | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Circus Polka | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Ode | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Scherzo a la russe | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Scenes de ballet | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Concertino for 12 Instruments | Columbia Chamber & Jazz Ensemble

Stravinsky: Agon | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Greeting Prelude| London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Canon | London Symphony Orchestra

Stravinsky: Variations: Aldous Huxley in Memoriam | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 65:

Mahler: Das klagende Lied | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 66:

Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, Op. 14 | London Symphony Orchestra

Berlioz: Lelio ou Le Retour a la vie | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 67:

Gershwin: Catfish Row Suite with Scenes from Porgy and Bess | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Gershwin: Second Rhapsody for Orchestra with Piano | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 68:

Gershwin: An American in Paris | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Gershwin: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 69:

Adams: Lollapalooza | New World Symphony

Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue | New World Symphony

Bernstein: Prelude, Fugue and Riffs | New World Symphony

Milhaud: La Creation du Monde | New World Symphony

Stravinsky: Ebony Concerto | New World Symphony

Hindemith: Ragtime | New World Symphony

Antheil: A Jazz Symphony | New World Symphony

Raksin: The Bad and the Beautiful | New World Symphony

Disc 70-71:

Mahler: Symphony No. 7 | London Symphony Orchestra

Disc 72:

Stravinsky: L’oiseau de feu | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 73:

Stravinsky: Le sacre du printemps | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 74:

Stravinsky: Persephone | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 75:

Copland: Billy the Kid | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Copland: Appalachian Spring | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Copland: Rodeo | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 76:

Mackey: Tuck and Roll | New World Symphony | Steven Mackey, e-guitar

Mackey: Lost and Found | New World Symphony

Mackey: Eating Greens | New World Symphony | Steven Mackey, e-guitar

Disc 77:

Ives: From the Steeples and the Mountains | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: The Things Our Fathers Loved | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: The Pond | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: 114 Songs: No. 102, Memories | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Charlie Rutlage | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: The Circus Band | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Orchestral Set No. 1 - 3 Places in New England | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: In Flanders Fields | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: They are There! | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Tom Sails Away | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Symphony No. 4: III. Fugue | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Psalm 100 | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: Serenity | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: General William Booth Enters into Heaven | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Ives: The Unanswered Question | San Francisco Symphony Orchestra

Disc 78:

Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 35, TH 59 | Berliner Philharmoniker | Joshua Bell, violin

Tchaikovsky, arr. Glazunov: Souvenir d’un lieu cher, Op. 42, TH 116: I. Meditation | Berliner Philharmoniker | Joshua Bell, violin

Tchaikovsky: Swan Lake, Op. 20a, TH 219: Russian Dance | Berliner Philharmoniker | Joshua Bell, violin

Disc 79:

Tchaikovsky: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 23 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kazune Shimizu, piano

Disc 80:

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kazune Shimizu, piano

Liszt: Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major for Piano and Orchestra S. 124, R. 458 | London Symphony Orchestra | Kazune Shimizu, piano

상세 이미지 1

About Poster & Poster Tube

- We can present the poster with your product marked 'poster' behind the product's name.
- If you don't need the poster, you can write it in order message.
- If you choose the EMS(DHL) delivery method, we are shipping poster rolled with poster tube automatically.
- But if you choose the Small Packets delivery method, the poster will be folded.
- Poster Tube is NOT applicable for Small Packets shipping because of its size.



[PayPal] : Virtual Online Account, Credit/Debit Cards supported by PayPal
1. Payment with credit/debit card (VISA, MASTER, JCB, AMEX etc.) via PAYPAL – without a paypal account
2. Payment with credit card (Visa, Master, JCB, Amex, and etc.) - verified by 3D secure accepted


Shipping Method : there is 2 methods - EMS(or DHL) and Small Packets.

Shipping Area : Worldwide

Shipping costs are automatically calculated based on shipping area, shipping method, and weight of the items.

Delivery Time :
Small Packets Delivery Time via K-Packet service (Update: Oct 10, 2017)
Area Average Delivery Time
Asia 6 ~ 10 business days
Oceania 7 ~ 12 business days
North America 9 ~ 14 business days
Europe 7 ~ 14 business days
Middle East 9 ~ 15 business days
South America 10 ~ 20 business days
Africa 15 ~ 25 business days
EMS(or DHL) Delivery Time
Area Average Delivery Time
All Countries 3 ~ 5 business days

● In the tables, the delivery time of EMS(or DHL) and Small Packets is based on the arrival of major cities in the destination country.

● The actual delivery time can be lengthened or shortened according to the customs clearance and shipping schedule of the destination country.

● Small Packets is updated with faster K-Pactet Delivery. There is NO change in shipping cost.

Small Packets via "K-Packet Service": there are a weight limit (Below 2kg).
Poster Tube is not applicable for Small Packets shipping.
(If the order has include a poster tube, we will ship the order without the poster tube. The amount paid for the poster tube will be stored for the next purchase use.)
In case of the product ordered includes a poster, we will fold the poster.

EMS(or DHL) and Small Packets shipping have a tracking number during delivery.
If you choose EMS(or DHL), MusicKorea will take several consideration and has the the right to choose the shipping company (EMS or DHL).
(Note: Customers are not able to choose the shipping company)
Poster Tube is added automatically when you order the item putted the poster.

- Important : Your order is shipped once your payment has been cleared.

Please contact our website Community(1:1 Inquiry) if you would like to request an exchange or cancel on your order.
└ Once your order is shipped, we hope your understanding that you can't cancel or change your order.


Packing Image

Customs and Duties : The recipient will be held responsible for international shipments which may be subject to import duties and taxes.
Please be advised that these charges are levied by the destination country and we do not have control over them.
In the case that the recipient refuses to receive the parcel, the order will be returned to Korea and will not be re-shipped.
Relevant expenses (round-trip shipping, customs, etc.) will be deducted from the refund.

Placing orders in Korea via oversea websites
For foreigner members living in Korea, Please use the korean website "".
The korean address is only available on korean website.

Thank you.

Returns & Exchanges

Please take into consideration that we only accept qualifying returns but not exchanges.
Refunds are issued once the returned products clear our inspection.

An item is eligible for cancellation if :

- you posted a Return request within 24 hours of payment and your order is still under “Pending” status
(if your order is under “Queued for Shipment” status, please contact our customer service center) OR
- the order is delayed for more than 10 days since payment and you have not received any notification regarding the delay OR
- the ordered item is out of stock.

We accept return(s) if :

- you receive a product different from your order OR
- you receive a defective product.

[ Return Instructions ]
① Post a return request on our Return forum within three days of receipt. You are required to attach the photos of the received product(s) and include the item code, the order number, and the reason for the return.
② A customer service representative will be in contact to assist you by email or phone.
③ Items returned must be in their original condition, which includes tags and any packaging. Also, you need to include a note of your order number, name, and user ID.

Please be advised that returns are accepted ONLY IF you followed the instructions above and your return request has been approved by our staff. Returns that are shipped to us without any prior consent are not accepted.
Please note that EVEN the defective/incorrect item(s) must be returned with all of the tags and labels intact. The item(s) must be sent in their original packaging and unworn.
Please include all contents of the original package and free gifts (if applicable) in your return packaging.
Shipping fee for any return caused by our fault will be paid by the company. However, if EMS’ cash on delivery is not possible then you can scan the return receipt and either mail it with the item to return or post an image of it on the forum.
The shipping fee will be refunded once the returned item has arrived.

We do not accept return(s) if :

- you are returning the items just because you changed your mind (on size, color, etc.)
- you are returning shoes, bags, or any other accessories
- the products are damaged due to your mishandling
- your return request is not approved by our staff

The following items are not considered defective :
* Items that are originally manufactured without tags or labels
* Items with creases that may have been made while shipping
* Items with unsatisfactory/incomplete finish due to mass production

If there is a missing item from your order :

- Contact our customer service center by phone or by forum (if you cannot reach us by phone) within 1 day of delivery.
- Please keep all contents of the original package including packaging material (boxes, plastic bags etc.) with you until you are instructed otherwise.
- Please note that we may not be able to process the refund for your missing item if you lose or damage any packaging material.